Sara's Graduation from Franklin Pierce Law Center
Sara completed her Juris Doctor degree from Franklin Pierce Law Center
in Concord, New Hampshire on Saturday, May 18th, 2002

Sara is getting ready to leave for the graduation ceremony.
It is about 40 degrees outside, raining and some sleet is starting to fall.

We are walking from the Law Center to the tent where graduation is held.
Yes, that is snow falling in the foreground!

The graduates are starting to file in. That is Sara in the center of the photo
and you can see the snow on some of the graduates robes.

Sara models her new Juris Doctor hood.

The new graduate proudly displays the fruit of her past 3 years.
She has already taken and passed the Patent Board Exam and will take the
Texas Bar Exam in July.
Way to go, Sara!
In July 2002, Sara accepted employment with the law firm of Jackson Walker in Dallas, Texas.
She has an office in Dallas as well as Richardson. She purchased a condo in uptown Dallas
and is enjoying Dallas very much.
Here's a link to Sara's Personal Web Page