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Hank's & Callie's Page

Hank's Commissioning on 10 Aug and graduation on 11 August 2001
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Charlie administering
Hank's Oath

Sue & Charlie pinning
Hank's bars

Sue is putting
final touches

Hank & Callie

Hank & Callie
after graduation

Hank & the Holmgreen girls
Judy, Anna ∓ Martha

Sister and brother
'99 & '00 ..whoop!

Hank receiving his
Here are photos of Hank's and Callie's wedding on 29 December 2001
plus some more of them at Ft. Benning where they were stationed until September of this year.

Click an image to enlarge it and then click the Back button to return to this page.

The newlyweds

Munching out...

Setting up furniture

Hank and one
of his new toys
Here are two photos of my dad and I in a Bradley Fighting Vehicle
at Fort Hood on the 4th of July 2003.

My dad and me in the turret of a Bradley Fighting Vehicle. Dad is in the gunner's seat.

Sitting outside the turret

Hank deployed with the 1st Cavalry to Iraq on Wednesday 17 March 2004.

We took up the whole corner section of the grandstands in Ironhorse Gym.

The fam

Trisha getting a "good hug"

Staying frosty

Bye-bye, Daddy, stay safe. We'll be right here when you get back.

Hank arrived home from Iraq on Monday 21 March 2005. Praise the Lord!

© Copyright 2001, Dr. Charlie Wiley
Revised: 10 December 2011

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